Monday, March 31, 2008

Activity C

Today in our activity we read about storms, and how dewpoint and humidity are connected, in the lower part of the country and answered a few questions. We learned how to read weather maps. we also learned about Atmospheric Moisture Advection. i am not real sure how to connect this to my topic of global warming. According to the book it says that the atmosphere helps water vapor move through Earth. so the way i look at it is if we keep up this whole global warming thing we are going to have places become very dry and have droughts because the atmosphere will not be able to move water vapors around and places will not get the water needed to survive. According to Wikipedia A good example of advection is the transport of pollutants or silt in a river: the motion of the water carries these impurities downstream. So in the end i think we should all stop polluting the Earth and then our rivers would have something else to to advect (if that's even a word) throughout the water system. Dew point is the temperature to which a given parcel of air must be cooled, at constant barometric pressure, for water vapor to condense into water. As the humidity rises so does the dewpoint. so if we continue to poison our o-zone layer the humidity will continue to rise right along with the dew point. Think GREEN!!!
Have a good day

Friday, March 28, 2008

Activity One

Hello to everyone who reads the blogs posted by my science class. yesterday we did a lab on temperature and direct heat on things. we are supposed to relate the lab with our topic. in case you haven't noticed my topic is global warming. i am not sure what exactly we are supposed to write so i am just going to wing this. i believe that the lab relates to my topic since direct heat is a part of global warming. Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century and its projected continuation. In our lab we had to have a lamp hovering over top of 3 substances, dark soil, water, and snow (yes we still have snow :( it needs to go away, it is spring already). According to the definition of global warming it's the warming of the oceans which is like our warming of our water (which didn't change at all, but you get the idea). from what i have learned is that it takes longer for water to heat up because their is so much more area to heat. so that is why the water never fluctuated. so i this is what i learned and i hope this is enough for Mrs. Grivins (the only person that i know will read this). THINK GREEN!!!
Have a good day everybody